Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Reed's Maths DLO - Groups of 4s.

Quality Blog Comments

Madeline has been into Room 5 today to talk about how to write a Quality Blog Comment. You can find the work they have completed today in their CYBER SAFETY folder - DRIVE

When posting online there are some important tips to remember:

  1. Think with your head
  2. Feel with your heart
  3. Balance - time off and online
  4. Listen to your gut, it helps our mind make good decisions. 
  5. Stand Tall and be proud of what you share online. 
Here is the link to the song we got this information from. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Eva's Reading DLO - Prior Knowledge

Reed's Reading DLO - Sequencing

Estella's Maths DLO - Multiplication Arrays

Estella's Maths DLO- Groups of 5

Jacob's Maths DLO - Division by grouping

Jacob's Maths DLO - Times table missing number

Zoe's Maths DLO - Groups of 5

Max's Maths DLO - Multiplication by repeated addition

Max's Maths DLO- Groups of 4

Cameron's Maths DLO

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fantails Sequencing Reading Activity Week 5

This week this reading group has been learning to sequence the main ideas in the story they have read. This is the first time they have used google slides to show their learning. Well done guys, awesome effort!

Home Learning DLOs

Well done to some of you who have created some awesome learning videos to show your parents and other family members how to get to our class learning site and blog!

Room 5s Maths Buddy DLOs

Room Five have had their first go at creating a Digital Learning Object (DLO) for a numeracy goal that they have been working on. Well done all of you for your hard effort today, you have all tried really hard to talk about your learning and your goals!