Kia ora,
It has been great seeing the students working on their Blog Content Poster over the last few days for Home Learning. Understanding what they can find on blogs and what blogs are used for is a valuable exercise and will prepare them for when they get their own blog later in the year.
This term I have introduced the Maths Buddy Action plan. You can find your child's action plan in their Maths folder in their Drive. It would be great if you could have a chat to your child about this and encourage them to complete at least 1 - 2 tasks at home over the week. Once they have completed their task they can sign it off.
We have also started a Speeds Skills challenge, every morning the class complete 3 speed skills tests, where they get to challenge themselves and others in the class to be BTB. This can be found as a link at the bottom of the Maths Buddy Site. I suggest your child completes one of these tests each night from either Level 1 or Level 2 so they can get better at their basic facts. I am keeping a record of each child's progress daily to monitor their improvement. We are looking for over 20 facts answered correctly in the 60 second timed test.
We encourage every child to be reading every night. If your child has Reading Eggs it would be beneficial for them to sit down at least once a week at home to complete a level. This reading programme gives the children an opportunity to have fun while practicing their reading strategies from class.
Remember to check out our Class Blog which we are using as a platform for sharing the students work until they get their own blog.
Remember to check out the Room 5 classroom site to check out what is happening in our class and what your child is learning.
Have a great week, if you have any questions please feel free to pop in.
Miss C