Friday, May 15, 2015


Room Five have had an amazing week!  We have written some amazing stories about science experiments and we have been training hard for the Cross Country.  We are all getting really good had being helpful towards one an other and giving each other positive comments. 

Well done especially to these amazing students!  You guys are awesome Role Models.

 Well done to Declyn who was awarded the Principals Citizenship award this week!

Well done to Cameron f
or having an enthusiastic attitude towards his fitness and trying really hard to be ‘better than before’ when running the Four Js run at lunch time and to
Kade for showing a positive attitude towards his writing and for trying really hard to write his ideas clearly.

1 comment:

  1. well done Cameron,Kade and Declyn
    by Sahara


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.